
OSU Buckeyes to Don Camo Helmets

The Ohio State University football squad will be sporting Pixelated Camouflage helmets in their upcoming April 23 home game to honor the US military. After that, half will go back to their normal color Silver scheme, while some will be autographed by Jim Tressel and sold, with all the proceeds going to benefit the Ohio National Guard Family Readiness and Warrior Support Program, LiFE (Learning in Fitness & Education) through Sports Program and the Ruth and Jesse Owens Scholars Fund.

With their orange scarlet stripe down the middle, ya gotta admit, they look kind of like an Air Force guy wearing a disco belt.

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7 Responses to “OSU Buckeyes to Don Camo Helmets”

  1. PJ says:

    BAHAHAHAH that last line is classic!!! and true.

  2. […] Originally posted on Solider Systems Daily. […]

  3. DH says:

    “in their upcoming April 23 home game against Columbus to honor the US military”

    “With their orange stripes down the middle”

    You really need to read up on your buckeye football.

  4. Administrator says:

    scarlet…orange…whatever…I mean come on…it’s OSU

    We just did that to out the OSU fans

    We caught one

    Thanks for the catch!

  5. Johnny B says:

    I’m sorry – who’s camo pat is that?

  6. Administrator says:


  7. Johnny B says:

    I don’t know if you’re on the level or joking. This is for the National Guard, and the pattern used on the helmet is not a pat used by the military. I just find that interesting. You’d think they’d use UCP or even OCP – an actual military pat.