
Agilite Injured Personnel Carrier

The IPC came about when soldiers from one of the IDF’s elite units were connecting four rifle slings together and carrying injured soldiers like a backpack. Agilite turned the concept into a product, added built-in padding and several other features and now it’s a more efficient alternative to the traditional fireman’s and piggyback carry techniques that keeps both hands free. As you can see in the video, it is lightweight and simple to apply. It also allows you to carry the wounded piggyback style, hand free.

Agilite has some other big news. They have just shifted their production to the US to get the best quality manufacturing around as well as be Berry Compliant. They now design in Israel and manufacture in the US which they feel is the absolute best of both worlds.

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8 Responses to “Agilite Injured Personnel Carrier”

  1. mike says:

    Nice, but the same can be achieved using tubular nylon.

    • SSD says:

      Of course it can, if you read the article, the same effect can be had with rifle slings as well. The question is whether, under fire, you want to fuck around with putting it together and tying it up or having a purpose built product you just throw on.

  2. Paul Weaver says:

    What’s old is new again. When I earned my EFMB in the late 80s, we were tested on performing this carry using two stripped pistol belts.

    Now I agree that this product, being purpose-built, and not requiring one to quit using necessary gear under fire to evac a casualty, is a great improvement over either the rifle-sling or pistol-belt techniques – but I’m a bit surprised that the technique was apparently forgotten in the US Army in the intervening years, with the transition to other forms of load-bearing equipment.

  3. Sean says:

    In the video it is mentioned that firefighters have adopted this for use. There are three problems that I see for use by firefighters. The first is that in heavy smoke conditions applying this to a victim would be an absolute cluster do to low or zero visibility putting the firefighter and the victim in more danger. The second is that since the firefighter would be wearing an air pack already, it would be nearly impossible to use. Thirdly, firefighters in most fire and smoke conditions would not be standing up running a victim out of a fire…the victim is dragged out using other techniques staying low to the ground where it is cooler. Just my 2 cents…

    • Mike says:

      Not necessarily true Sean. I could see this being useful for firefighters fighting forest fires due to the difference in strategies used when evacuating victims. I do agree though that the use of an air pack would limit the effectiveness of this product.

  4. John says:

    I’m 6’2, 225 without gear on. Anyone want to carry me like a backpack?

  5. Sean says:

    Mike, You make a valid point. You are absolutely correct. I was only thinking about structural firefighting. I do agree that this would have a place in wild land firefighting. Thank you for the correction.