GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Night Vision Pin-Up Girl Stickers from TNVC

Looking for something really cool to spiff up your gear? Then I think Tactical Night Vision Co has just the right thing.

This package of four premium, high-resolution, laminated white vinyl stickers features original pin-up artwork produced in-house at TNVC. The lovely ladies adorning these high quality stickers are showing off some of the latest night vision hardware. The material is suitable for use outdoors and on vehicles. Stickers are only sold as a set. Each set comes with 1/ea Red Head, Brunette, Blonde, and Logo.



6 Responses to “Night Vision Pin-Up Girl Stickers from TNVC”

  1. JJ says:

    Mate thats pure gold. Another thing to add to the CC list…

  2. mdough6 says:

    I absolutely love that ginger women are becoming a mandatory for anything tactical or pinup:)

  3. Syphon says:

    Very cool… I an loving the sexy retro art but can a brotha get just one sista in the mix here…. Just one, please. 🙂

  4. Vic DiCosola says:

    Syphon/SSD, we got ya covered with Series II of the stickers. Glad you guys like the work.

    Vic Di Cosola