The cat is out of the bag.

And here’s the stat sheet:

Tags: Glock
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on Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 at 22:00 and is filed under weapons.
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Oh sweet victory.
Mother of God…
Beard of Zeus!
Great Odin’s Raven!
Buddha’s Holy Rice Bowl!
Mohamed’s favorite goat!!
By the Trident of Neptune!
Billy Bob’s chitterlings!
sweet mother of jefferson davis !!
sweet baby jesus…
Krom on his mountain
Kracken’s uvula!
George Washington’s dentures!
very interesting.
Ugh! Just bought a Sig 226 Extreme (I know 2 totally different pistols) and placed a bid on a Glock 19 Gen3 and THIS comes out!
It will be interesting to see the aftermarket goodies made for this model, already looks like it needs an extended magazine grip for those of us with retarded pinky syndrome.
Does anyone know if these will have the same connector as double stack 9mm models?
Will it fit in G.42 holsters?
Dimensions are different so I doubt it – Kydex is a no no but maybe if you have a soft holster it’ll stretch?
Funny story. As recently as two weeks ago GLOCK was denying the G43’s existence with holster makers.
Doesn’t surprise me, holster makers will not make Glock money so keep them out of the loop until the very last second.
Glock is fully aware that people don’t carry their pistols without holsters, which is a market segment Glock doesn’t want to get into. It’s far more likely that Safariland and others have had preproduction samples for quite a while and had a gag order on ’em.
I thought for sure +1 more after the G42?? I guess mag guts it is
Man, I was holding out for the long slide, optics ready, double stack .32. Why won’t Glock ever make what the public wants?!!
That’s comedy
Wow – something ain’t right; no photoshop conspiracy theories yet….
Tango down glock accessories are on all my 17s and my 19 how long will we have to wait for those for this model??
We are hoping the G42 slide stop and mag catch will work – Wilson is working on sights for the G42 that I’m sure will work on the G43 – that just leaves a new baseplate ( hopefully ) ; stay tuned
Posting the image was bad journalism?
Did you actually read the article?
I carry a Glock on duty as an LEO, however I think I’ll stick with my Ruger LC 9S and it holds one extra around.
Who cares?!?!
Lotsa people do for various reasons real and imagined…but like you, I’m just not one of ’em.
Oh look, Glock just introduced a Shield.
Now that was damn funny π
The G42/43 and the Shield serve two different purposes. Shield is a belt gun for people who can’t or are unwilling to carry a double stack fullsize/compact.
This size gun is for the same purpose as a 442/642. Pocket carry, or clip on holsters for gym/MMA shorts, etc.
For this reason I am glad it has the dimensions it does. I don’t need a replacement for my G17 or 19. I need a light gun in 9×19 than I can clip onto my no-gi shorts to go to the gym with.
Why can’t you carry a Shield in a pocket or with a clip-on holster like you say you carry the g42/43?…
The Shield is smaller than the g42 and therefore smaller than the g43, so I’m not sure how they serve two different purposes?
I can understand the difference between .380 and 9mm, but they are all about the same size package so what procludes one from serving a specific role?
The Shield is NOT smaller than a G42. Not even close.
How is it not even close? I’ll even throw in the S&W BG380……
G42 Shield BG380
L 5.94 6.1 5.25
BL 3.52 3.1 2.75
H 4.13 4.6 4.1
W 0.94 0.95 0.75
I’ll admit the Shield is a tad longer, taller and wider but by fractions of an inch!
This G43 is not a pocket carry gun, my Beretta Nano is smaller than this thing and is definitely not a pocket gun, my S&W 9c isn’t much longer and holds 12.
MMA shorts. You owe me a Coke and a keyboard.
“Shield is a belt gun for people who canβt or are unwilling to carry a double stack fullsize/compact.” Where is that written?
I carry my Shield in my pocket all the time (shorts. jeans, khakis). No one told me I wasn’t supposed to.
Didn’t springfield do this all ready too? Ah the block fanboys come out of the woodwork….in 5 generations they may get this one to “perfection” lol
A baby grenade!
SSD is killing my retirement, I’m going to have to get a bigger safe.
Nah: baby Glocks fit in the nooks and crannies…
What, no rails for lights?
Now we just need a 6-second mount for this too
Finally, my PM9 has a, ummm, ‘fuller figured’ friend to go out with…
glad I didn’t get a G42 if this is the same size! Already have a Sig P238.
For some reason I was hoping for a single-stack 19. There’s a glut of mini-guns, but relatively few in the Commander/SIG P225/whatever that single stack almost a Beretta 92 was called size range. The “big” Kahrs are about it.
I know that the market drives what companies design and make, but even with interchangeable backstraps there are people who, due to hand size or personal preference would give up a fat butt for a sleeker duty/carry gun.
Right there with you on the single-stack 19. Mini-guns are not a good fit for my non-mini-hands.
$580 MSRP
Got mine through the LEO Blue Line. Since I have a Gen 1 Model 17 that I carried from 1986, I am a Glock fan. Glocks are not a 1911 target gun, but a real world tougher than nails weapon. I have fired thousands of rounds through the 17. Never had a single problem. That’s almost 40 years of service. Also have a Model 27/26 (Lone Wolf conversion).
I am not happy with the trigger on the 43. A little difficult to modulate on the trigger pull. I am hoping it will smooth out with use or that an aftermarket trigger comes available. I assume they did the hard trigger pull due to the way people carry it.