What do you think of the upcoming Selector lever for the AK family from FosTech?
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on Friday, December 28th, 2018 at 15:00 and is filed under Weapon Accessories.
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it doesn’t look like it can be operated with the trigger finger, I used to make a loop on the end off the standard leaver which I could knock down with my trigger finger and I’ve seen something more professionally done by a U.S. company which had a J shaped attachment along the same likes – not sure if I’m explaining this clearly
I visited their website to try to find an explanation of this gizmo, but … nothing. I don’t get it, frankly.
The KREBS safety lever offers an improvement in functionality. I don’t see this doing that.
But, hey, if it turns my AK into a full auto AK, as it is marked, great! 😉
Binary trigger, one round on pull -one on release.They make( probably) the best one for AR’s.
FosTech already makes their Echo trigger system for the AR-15, so this would seem to indicate that they are coming out with one for AK style rifles as well.
Looking at their website it’d appear that are, in fact, taking deposits for just that: https://fostech.us/echo-ak-deposits.html
“This trigger will contain the great features of the Echo AR-II but will be for the AK-47 platform of rifles. The current ECHO AK trigger will be for the stamped versions that are most common. The exact models beyond the common stamped AK-47 are still being explored. This is a non-refundable deposit. If you are not sure that you are willing to wait please hold off until they are in stock. This is also only the deposit on the trigger. The full retail cost of the ECHO AK trigger is $547.00.”
Maybe OK if you are retrofitting a fleet of AK’s for a unit, or if the AK is truly your only/best choice of rifle (high likely is that?).
But if you are a US / Western individual owner, in my opinion, the primary reasons for owning an AK are: 1. To possess a representative item for your collection; 2. To be familiar/skilled with the plain-Jane AK’s you will likely encounter on the battlefield worldwide (“train like you are going to fight”). In this context, non-standard stuff that makes AK’s more “updated”, more ergonomic, more “Western”, is counterproductive.
Is there a left sided lever, a la Galil, on this as well?
It’s a toy, plain and simple, which adds the “binary” trigger that Fostech is known for to AK platform, meaning it can be set to fire on trigger pull and then again on release/reset. The bigger issue is that it eliminates the important and necessary dust cover function of the AK safety lever, AK-pattern rifles being somewhat less resistant to introduced contaminants than many internet warriors would lead you to believe.
Another concern is that on the AR versions of the binary trigger system, it is possible to stop the second round from being fired by switching the selector lever to safe before releasing the trigger forward. If the AK version is designed similarly, and assuming that (based on other pics on the net) it does not have the means to operate the selector on the left side of the receiver, then it will be very difficult and perhaps even unsafe to do that with AK version.
At risk of being a hater, and generally liking innovation even when it doesn’t tickle my particular fancy, I think this is an expensive ($547) way to thumb your nose at the NFA, and one that could easily go the way of bump stocks. Before you flame me, consider that SSD asked, “What do you think…” Well, I think it looks like fun, expensive fun, so there’s that.
Agree! If the ATF ruled that a bump stock turns a semi-auto into full auto because it allows the user to shoot more than one round with one trigger pull….well, just a matter of time before they rule the same way about these stupid things.
I would like to start by saying that it is good to see so many different opinions and that we as a community are taking an interest in our rights and increasing our knowledge of new products. I do feel it is important to point out that I feel many have missed the mark with binary firing systems like those of both Franklin Armory and Fostech. I have spent my entire adult life working with and using full auto whether it is on my M4 or on my belt fed weapon systems.
The problem I have found with full auto is that it is not that controlling full auto is necessarily hard to control but that it does require training to become efficient with this option and obviously shooting at distance with it is not preferred unless using a stabilized shooting platform and in controlled bursts. When shooting at short distances full auto can be nice but again we go back to a long selector selection and control, and when I speak of control it means to place my rounds where they are meant to go not just into a target.
Binary firing systems give us a unique option that was explored during the ACR program by the DOD and also seen on weapons like the G11 and the AN94. We now have a firing system that allows us to not only tailor my rate of fire by more than trying to predict the rhythm of the auto sear but to also run controlled bursts faster than a double tap. The ability to quickly place two well-aimed shots immediately into my intended target and where I want to place them is a serious advantage. In my experience and in my professional opinion I would rather have binary over full auto for most of my professional needs.
One final note, if the minimum for a weapon was what was needed we would not have advanced our weapon platforms and would only use wood stocks, steel construction only, iron sights only, and not compensate or look for any other advancements to gain the tactical advantage. It pains me those that make the argument against the progression of accessories or new ideas to be chalked up as a gimmick. Gain the advantage in every way possible and that may be the one thing that gets you ahead of those trying to kill you. I will take every advantage that helps ensure I have the edge. You need to train and look for what helps to make you more efficient.
That’s a lot of words that say pretty much nothing. There is a reason that “burst” modes are going the way of the Dodo Bird. I can put two “well aimed” shots “immediately into my intended target and where I want to place them” without a gizmo buggering up the AR trigger group to do it.
Thank you for taking the time to respond but your point regarding my post meaning nothing shows that you failed to comprehend my post or perhaps you are simply biased to your own thoughts and experiences and simply do not see what I was explaining. While I would agree that burst fire is losing steam in the US but it is alive and well in other first world nations so your assumptions appear to be based solely on your experience or perhaps limited experience with other firearms.
Binary fire is not a burst fire mechanism, burst fire is a preset automatic firing system that the shooter has no control of. With full auto, the shooter at least has the ability to choose how long they want to hold down the trigger and again “burst” fire the weapon based on the length of time they hold down the trigger. So by this reality and fact alone, your statement is null and void.
With a binary firing system the shooter has full control of how fast the weapon cycles and the double tap or controlled pair is taught at even the highest levels of shooting so the ability to have extremely fast two round shots is not only applicable it is still relevant by today’s TTP and SOPs depending on what kind of unit you are affiliated with.
Finally, my mention of the ACR program was an example. You should not immediately affiliate me with this as my position, I was simply making a point. I have never been a fan of burst fire and quite frankly in my 26 years of service I have rarely, and I do mean rarely use full auto on my rifle but obviously full auto is not only my only option on my belt fed weapon systems I end up resorting to “burst fire” while using it in order to facilitate better control, target acquisition, and of course not damaging my barrel or weapon internals.
Thank you for the comments and I hope you have returned to read through my follow-on post.
With a binary trigger can you “slowly” let out the trigger to the break and or reset. Then hit it again? Or do you have to take your finger off the trigger to let it fully reengage the binary stuff. Idk if that explained it. But I have a full auto ar15 or as I call it my M4. Yes it has an auto sere.
$547 is laughable and highway robbery. Being able to put 5 shots on target in less than a second, from 50yds, with my alg akt-ul that cost $70 means there is no consideration for this. EXPENSIVE solution searching for a problem.