RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

EOTAC Clothing Spy Photos

EOTAC Pants, Shirt, and Vest

I was just slipped some photos from a recent Elite Operator Tactical promotional shoot. These have not been released yet but it looks like EOTAC is poised to unleash their new line. I know a lot of people have been waiting to see this and we are all anxious to find out what they have come up with. If anyone has any first hand experience with the EOTAC line please contact me so we can get your impressions out to everyone. Based on the history of what happened and how EOTAC formed, this is the most anticipated releases this year.

EOTAC Trousers

Perhaps there are a few surprises in store for us. It appears from this photo that they also have tactical or concealable denim jeans in the works. I believe the black jacket is the Algerian that they were working on last year.


The new shirt looks roomy and just as professional whether untucked or tucked in.



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