SIG MMG 338 Program Series

OR – Day 3

OTB Boots
Ok, I have been alluding to the OTB Jungle boot project for awhile but here are the first pics…

OTB Jungle boot
Back to the future. A 21st century take on the venerable jungle boot.

OTB Jungle boot
The laces are a modified sausage style.

The sole design pays homage to the Panama Tread.

OTB Jungle Boot Drain Holes
OTB took an entirely different approach to drain holes.

Carry your Solio charger in style. Solio’s new Tread line of accessories not only looks good but is manufactured from recycled tires.

UK a company well known in the diving world, is releasing a new reinforced hanger intended for wet suits. But it is strong enough for a 175 lbs man to do pull ups from it so it will support body armor. What’s more it has a built in fan.

McNett has a new product currently called Rank Away but this name my change before it reaches market. It is designed to kill bacteria that causes odors and will help with that stinky armor problem.

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