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Blackwater Alumni Association

Blackwater’s Alumni Association recently celebrated its one year anniversary. Membership is open to employees (including ICs) and students and offers a wide range of benefits including:

    A subscription to SERVIAM , a bi-monthly private contracting industry magazine

    A monthly Alumni newsletter available at the Blackwater Alumni Association website ( bringing Blackwater news to its family

    A certificate for the face value ($35) of your membership that can be used toward the cost of tuition in a Blackwater training course

    A current training course calendar

    A unique membership identification card that can be used for a 25% discount in Blackwater’s Pro Shop (in person or online at (some restrictions apply)

    A distinctive alumni lapel pin

The membership pin is pretty sporty but the 25% discount on things Blackwater is a great deal.

To join visit Blackwater Worldwide.


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