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Soldier Equipment and Technology Expo and Conference

Soldier Equipment & Technology Expo & Conference

Soldier Systems Daily is proud to announce that we are a media partner of the 2009 Soldier Equipment & Technology Expo & Conference, November 17-18 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, home of Fort Bragg and the US Army’s Special Operations and Airborne communities. This gives us access to report from the show floor and conference sessions. Additionally, Soldier Equipment & Technology Expo & Conference sponsor IDGA has graciously extended a 25% discount to SSD readers for full conference attendance as well as FREE exhibits-only passes.

The program will include a variety of speakers who will provide insight into current requirements and the state of the industrial base.

Speakers Include

* Lt Gen. John F. Mulholland, Jr., Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command
* COL Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School
* COL Karl S. Flynn, Director, Enterprise & Systems Integration Center, ARDEC
* COL Jeffrey Kelly, Director of Combat Developments, US Army Infantry Center and School
* LTC Matthew England, Chief, Electronics & Special Developments Soldier Requirements Division, United States Army Infantry Center
* MAJ Terrance W. Adams, 82nd ABN DIV ACoFS Deputy G3/5/7
* CSM Stephen D. Blake, Command Sergeant Major, Army Sustainment Command
* CSM Jeffrey J. Mellinger, Command Sergeant Major, Army Materiel Command
* David Drabkin, Acting Chief Acquisition Officer & Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer & Senior Procurement Executive, General Services Administration
* Eric Forsythe, PhD, Team Leader & Associate Program Manager for FDC Technology, Army Research Laboratory
* Dinora Gonzalez, Regional Small Business Technology Advisor, GSA Region 4
* Larry W. Mallory, Procurement Center Representative, Small Business Administration, Office of Government Contracting, Area III
* Kevin Stallings, Customer Service Director, U.S. General Services Administration, Federal Acquisition Service
* Deborah L. Word, Assistant Director for Office of Small Business Programs Mission & Installation Contracting Command Center-Fort Bragg

For additional information and access to your free or discounted tickets visit

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