Protact by Haartz

More on New Brit Camo

The BBC has reported on the new Multi-Terrain Pattern meant to replace the Woodland pattern found on No. 8 DPM uniform in service for the past 40 years. However, the No.5 Desert Combat Dress will remain in service. As we reported earlier, Crye Precision developed the pattern for the exclusive use of the UK Ministry of Defence.

MTP, Woodland, and Desert Camo Patterns - Photo BBC

In the BBC video Lieutenant Colonel Toby Evans identified as “a military advisor with the Government’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory,” speaks quite a bit about the importance of the camo pattern as a “corporate image” and how it represented the “British Army brand.” In effect, the British Army has adopted a new woodland pattern that is more relevant in a wide variety of environments than the previous pattern which was more developed for use in Northern Europe. They will retain their desert pattern for specialist use so they will continue to have a two pattern system but with one of the patterns being more universal in nature rather than tuned specifically for verdant areas. Finally, in addition to uniforms in the CS95 cut, the British Soldier will receive armor and helmet covers, packs and webbing in MTP. However, this will happen over time while the new uniforms as soon as this Spring.

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