TYR Tactical

Colt 6720 from Clyde Armory

Colt 6720

Clyde Armory of Athens, Georgia is exclusively offering the Colt 6720. The Colt AR15-A4, Lightweight LE Carbine model 6720 is, in a nutshell a 6920 with a 6520 barrel and MATech flip up rear. The 16″ barrel features a 1:7 twist and the MATech flip up rear site has been standard military issue for years. The rifle also comes fitted with GI furniture including pistol grip, collapsible butt stock, and hand guards.

MATech folding rear sight on a Colt 6720

Overall, it looks to be a solid lightweight rifle built to Mil-Spec. However, pricing has been set by serial number (which you can choose) and there is a serious difference in price between the lower numbers available now and higher numbers available this summer. With the current of glut of guns on the market I just don’t see these becoming collectibles unless you have a vanity issue over a certain number.

More information is available at colt6720.com.


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