RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Always Bring Protection

In honor of our 1500th post, we thought we’d do something a little different; make you laugh. Yep, that’s right…1500 posts. In two years we’ve missed publishing one day, and that was a Saturday in order to attend a family reunion. Pretty good track record. This website is the real deal, not some hobbyist copy-cat site set up in order to get free stuff, and we don’t sell useless subscription services for non-existent “insider” content. Every reader gets access to the same stories. So support our sponsors, because they make this experience possible for you.

So without further ado….there’s no nudity or vulgarity here but considering how PC the workplace can be these days we are labeling this NOT Safe For Work. If you are dead set on seeing the gag then click here.

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