Eyepro Makers Support Marines

This story would probably have gone under the wire if it wasn’t for an intrepid war correspondent who was recently in Afghanistan. Some of you may have heard about the recent fuel farm fire at Leatherneck. Well, what wasn’t widely reported was that the fire reached the Marine’s SMU and burned it to the ground with the whole RCT’s worth of gear in there. All classes of supply were affected, though it was mostly equipment. In particular, they were wiped out of eyepro.

What you probably don’t know is that once Revision Eyewear and Smith Optics heard about the accident from that diligent reporter, they immediately stepped up to the plate to make sure that our Marines had adequate eyepro and donated enough sets to outfit the entire shortfall. Heavy hitter Revision filled the majority of the 250 set loss with Sawfly kits worth about $25,000 and relative newcomer to the tactical market Smith gave the assist with 25 sets of Aegis eyeshield kits worth about $2500.

Revision’s James Radigan commented on the project, “I’m former Navy and have family and friends who are serving so along with Revision’s deep dedication to the military, I’ve got a lot of heart for Marines and for what they do.” Mike Torres of Smith added, “We didn’t hesitate, once we heard that Marines were without adequate numbers of eyewear, we put together a package to give them the best we have available.”

According to the correspondent, the eyewear arrived about 3 weeks later and the Marines were stoked to have clean, scratch free ballistic eyewear. The environment is so abrasive that eyewear requires regular replacement.

A big salute to both Revision as well as Smith from SSD! When you are looking for quality eyepro remember those companies that step up to the plate and support the troops.

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