
Can’t Get Enough Soldier Systems?

In addition to our daily updates here on the site, there are several other ways to get your Soldier Systems fix. Don’t forget that we are a daily and normally update a minimum of twice per day so come back regularly to keep up on the latest news. If that isn’t enough, we offer several alternatives.

Our list of followers on Twitter continues to grow. In addition to alerts of new stories we also release information through Twitter that might be of interest to our readers or is related to our core content but originates elsewhere.

We launched our Facebook page awhile back and are jut beginning to make use of it. Dissatisfied with how we have seen some companies use their accounts we wanted to get in there with a plan to make the experience more meaningful. Look for lots of content soon.

Our iPhone app has been extremely popular and delivers the latest updates directly to your iPhone each time you open it.
iTunes has been most gracious in offering us a dedicated sub-forum to interact with our readers. Not only is it a great place to discuss our articles and current issues in the Soldier Systems industry but gives access to the best group of Subject Matter Experts we have run across. No over-inflated CVs, no BS, just good information. Military, Law Enforcement, or a fan of the Black Rifle? You should be a member of

We post videos for our articles on our Youtube channel. Additionally, we make use of content posted by others. Always be on the look out for more content.

Subscriptions to SSD’s content are available for the Kindle via Amazon. Don’t forget there is a Kindle reader for iPhone and iPad.

The Future
Here at SSD we continuously look at ways to increase interaction with our readers. One example is that we are ready to release an app for the Android. Additionally, some of our writers have begun to develop specialized content for other sites. For example, you may have seen the article on Environmental Clothing Systems on ADS Inc’s web site. You will also begin to see some of our stuff in print. We have also posted content from the Mad Duo and others.

Something very exciting is happening to SSD very soon. Once we get over this busy trade show season, a big change is coming.

One final word. None of this would be possible without the support of our sponsors. We have affiliated ourselves with reputable companies who provide solid products and services and we would not hesitate to recommend any of them. At SSD we look at our sponsorship program as a two-way street. We are endorsing them as much as they are us and we urge you to support them.

We are constantly improving our fighting position, so if you have any additional ideas on ways SSD can do more for you, please feel free to share them with us.

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