
Field Gourmet – French Rations

Here are some photos of French rations from one of our dedicated readers. Keep them coming!

This example is for gourmands of MREs. The RCFIR (Reheatable Field rations) are great if you can “stomach” luxury meals such as tinned Rabbit stew and other French provincial meals. They also have Italian and Moroccan meals in their list of options as well as tinned fish, cocoa powder, potato soup and good crackers.

However, according to our reader, the candy selection is world class and he keeps their hard and fruit paste candies in his survival rations kit ALWAYS. He also related that the dark chocolate is delicious.

He did not get the boxed wine we all hear so much about but is continuing his search for issue Red wine. They also weigh a ton, about 1 pound and while purchasing them in Europe is easy, shipping to the USA is crazy expensive. He closed out his report by relating that the absolute best part is the small pocket Esbit heater in each box with six heat tabs and 12 matches.

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