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SMARTCAMO Color Changing Camouflage Materials from Hyperstealth

We ran across this the other day and we have to say up front that if this stuff is real, then why is the US Army getting ready to invest millions of dollars in the Family of Camouflage Patterns program?

According to a recent release by Hyperstealth, CEO Guy Cramer presented the new wonder fabric at the Brussels International Camouflage Symposium held in October. His presentation was entitled “Fractals in Camouflage and the Future of Adaptive Materials for Mobile Concealment” and included a video glimpse of SMARTCAMOâ„¢ technology. Unfortunately, according to Hyperstealth, the “US Military” has requested that he not reveal the video to the public.

Oddly enough, Hyperstealth CEO Guy Cramer was at the Army’s Camo Improvement Industry Day and not a peep was uttered about this. Granted, the Army was pretty open about not looking for out of the ordinary solutions but something like this? That promises to blend into any background would make our troops all but invisible? Why bother at all with developing camo patterns that are really just compromises?

So, if this is real, let’s see it. I don’t know if you can put a price on true adaptive camouflage, particularly for the individual Soldier, but if SMARTCAMOâ„¢’s works, let’s adopt it.

I’ll admit, I’m skeptical. If something sounds to good to be true, it generally is but if this is what they say it is, it’s a huge leap ahead for anyone who adopts the technology. Read the whole press release here and decide for yourself.


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