
USMC Delayed Green Lasers for Iraq

Wired online recently published a story based on a DoD IG report on the Marine Corps’ delay in fielding lasers for use at vehicle checkpoints in Iraq. Lasers work. It’s just too bad that bureaucracy reared its head. You will note that the Wired online article blames the Pentagon, when in fact the blame lay at the feet of the Marine Corps. And while this story isn’t exactly new, it is worth reading. Unfortunately, the writer didn’t do a good job of explaining the “why” as in “why troops might need green lasers”. When you are writing for a civilian readership that lives fat, dumb, and happy under the protective umbrella of the military yet at the same time abhors it, you have to lead them by the nose since they have zero frame of reference. The author says it in a roundabout way, but he doesn’t beat the readers over the head with it. So you get comments by the uninformed who think that green lasers are being used as weapons when in fact they are used to save lives as a nonlethal alternative to warning shots. In fact, they are now used by ALL services as part of their Escalation of Force Kits. But, probably the real tragedy in this story is that as the request languished in someone’s inbox, leaning forward in the foxhole I MEF purchased systems off-the-shelf. Of course, once the systems got to Iraq, someone in a position to do so directed I MEF to cease use of the systems. To add insult to injury, the recently released IG report recommends that the Marines investigate the purchase and “if appropriate, initiate administrative action.”

Visit for the story and read the comments. These will give you an idea of why we don’t open up ours.

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