
Camo Design Contest

The Schtick

We feel we’ve waited long enough for the Army to release their Camouflage Improvement Effort solicitation so we thought we’d get things cooking with a little camo contest. The idea is this. You design a new, original camo pattern and send it to SSD (Don’t submit somebodyelse’s work). On 15 April we collect all of the patterns, and over the weekend, post them as a poll to allow you, the readers to vote on your favorite pattern. Every original pattern that is submitted will be posted in the poll. Submissions are due 15 April so this gives you one week to develop your pattern and submit it.

To the winner goes the spoils!

SSD sponsor, GSS has generously offered a $500 gift card to the winner. If that doesn’t motivate you to participate, we don’t know what will.

The rules are simple

1. You must own the pattern you submit, it just has to be a camo pattern, and can be for any environment but remember, the winner will be chosen by a vote of SSD readers (cool is king here)
2. You must submit it in .jpg format but we don’t care if you do it on the computer, draw it by hand, stencil it with krylon, or even finger paint it; Just make sure we get it in .jpg format
3. We just want the pattern by itself, not applied to something
4. Make it as big as you want to show your pattern. We aren’t printing it on fabric so it doesn’t matter how long the pattern is or if it repeats
5. The submission phase of the contest closes at 1200 GMT on 15 April, 2011
6. Submit your pattern to
7. You must be 18 to enter
8. Void where prohibited
9. Neither Soldier Systems Daily or GSS are responsible for improper entries or entries that violate other’s IP, nor are they responsible for the outcome of the poll used to determine the winner
10. One entry per person

By entering you retain all rights to the design but you give rights to GSS and SSD to use the pattern for promotional purposes.


15 Responses to “Camo Design Contest”

  1. murphquake says:

    put my vote in for one of those mudflap type chick silhouette camos in a color worthy of Ali G’s Massive …uh…Massive in “In Da House”

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    Awe – shame about rule #3; I’ve got a great pattern I sprayed free-hand onto to custom airsoft carbine.

    Oh well, back to the drawing board then…

  3. FormerDirtDart says:

    This what you’re looking for?

  4. Administrator says:

    Entries are already rolling in!

  5. Yowza says:

    FDD, that looks like a winner

  6. Tounushi says:

    Would be cool to enter, but I doubt the gift card would be valid in northern Europe…

    Shame, really… I’ve made a few camo patterns…

    I did mention this thing to some acquaintances on dA who are interested in camo. Prepare for a deluge.

  7. murphquake says:

    FDD, that’s what I was talking about, except in more garish colors =-)

  8. D. Knight says:

    Is rule #4 missing or are the rules misnumbered? Should we include a description of the pattern?

  9. Administrator says:

    A description is cool but it won’t make it into the poll.

  10. Administrator says:


    Oddly enough, there are more colors than those that make up MultiCam. Why don’t we try something different?


  11. Strike-Hold says:

    By the way – I guess the pending shut down of the US Federal Government (due to the budget deadlock), means that the Army’s PEO Soldier FOC RFP will be delayed even longer?

  12. Editor says:

    International entries are eligible to win the prize.

  13. Roggenwolf says:

    Yeah, gee, I’d love to enter, but my lawyers would have kittens about the “you give rights to GSS and SSD to use the pattern for promotional purposes” part. Besides, GSS doesn’t have many outlets in Sydney.