GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

THULS Giveaway

We’ve raved about THULS in the past and for good reason. It isn’t that we are luddites, but if you’ve ever had to develop checklists for your unit you will know what a painful process it is. Then, you have to cover them in acetate ruining the first few while you get the process down and finally, once you finish them, you realize that none of the units to your left and right are using the same TTPs. The team at THULS takes all of the pain out of the process for you. They have experience working with everything from service level organizations to deployed task forces to communities of interest to develop standardized mission planning and execution products. Now, the beauty part. They are rewritable, even underwater.

Our friends at THULS have made a very generous offer. In fact, they have two offers. It is however, important to note that both giveaways are restricted to US/Coalition military due to the information contained in the checklists. While nothing is restricted, it is for official use only and releasable to Coalition.

Giveaway One
THULS is giving away a ISAF Reports and Language Module (THULS IRLM) to 10 individuals who leave a comment with their favorite weapon on this post. You can use any name you like for your comment but leave us a valid email address so we can contact you in case you win. If you win and do not provide a duty address we will need to verify your status.

Giveaway Two

THULS is also going to give one company-sized unit:

THULS Basic Infantry Operations Support (BIOS) Items
540 SPIE Cards (Accountability Cards)
64 LEPL (Leaders Equipment/Personnel List)
54 Individual Range Cards
12 Crew Served Range Cards
20 Team Sector Sketches
54 Map Overlays
16 Warning Orders
24 Fire Plan Sketches
28 MOPTs (Mounted Ops Planning Tool)
200 IT4Cs (Improved Casualty Cards)

You must enter by sending an email with Name, Rank and Unit to SSDfree@THULS.BIZ You cannot enter this giveaway on SSD so DO NOT leave that information here.

*Company 1st Sergeant or CO/XO will be contacted for shipping / receipt of BIOS items for winning unit.

Both giveaways will close on Monday 18 April 2011 at 1600Z (GMT).

Make sure you visit www.THULS.biz for more information.

Void where prohibited


36 Responses to “THULS Giveaway”

  1. troy says:

    Favorite Weapon? Ma Deuce.

  2. Lt P says:

    My FNP-45 Pistol!

  3. Bob in Kunduz says:

    This sounds like a cool tool to avoid laminating stuff.

    My favorite weapon is the M16A4, because Marines know the value a longer barrel.

  4. Five Bucks says:

    My favorite weapon? Well, there are two classes, crew served and personal.
    Crew served is the M109A6 Paladin, 155mm , Self-Propelled Howitzer, for we know how to put heavy steel on target.
    Personal, well, also a class, any AR platform, especially the lefty friendly offerings of Stag Arms. Versatile, improved reliability with design changes over the years, it can be any used in a multitude of situations.

  5. Marshall says:

    Favorite weapon MK19!

  6. Sean says:

    Favorite rifle: AR-15 platform. Most versatile and proven rifle there is, especially with all the advances over the last decade. Favorite pistol has to be the glock, rugged as hell and it will keep working even if you treat it like an abusive husband.

  7. Nick The Brit says:

    It has to be the .50 cal – old steady workhorse that lets you feel the destruction as it throws lead down-range.

  8. Kevin says:

    Browning Hi-Power

  9. veteran0307 says:

    Favorite weapon, HK416

  10. JerryM says:

    My favorite weapon is a good comm link with CAS

  11. jj says:

    Sturmgewehr 44.

    One of the greatest commie killers…

  12. Jon says:

    Favorite weapon M1 Garand.

  13. Stefan says:

    The M-14. Last of the true battle rifles!

  14. Ben Davies says:

    Austeyr A2 ( my issued Gat).

  15. ryan says:

    Close tie between Browing High Power or the 1911. Both designed by the Great M Browing. Will have to go for the latter though!

  16. Merlin says:

    Glock 17 generation 4

  17. Mike Wade says:

    Really fond of the MK-48. Compact with the punch of a 240B. Was invaluable in the ‘stan last tour.

  18. Michael Patten says:

    My personal favorite is M249 SAW

  19. Tom says:

    M4 with M203.

  20. bruce martin says:

    HK USP .45

    favorite issued weapon is m16a2

  21. James Thompson says:

    My favorite is the M3 Carl Gustav. My team and I call it Carlos Gustavos and we have two. What else can get these bastards behind their thick mud walls? We can’t drop CAS….too many “innocents” around. Can’t use our mortars for the same reason. Bring in “Carlos” and pop an HE on airburst over their orchard wall and BAM..problem solved. Useful at the Strong Point too. Illumination at night for suspicious activity outside the wire. Any bad guys want to rush the Hescos, BAM….ADM (Flechette) up their stinky asses. Problem solved.

  22. Matt says:


  23. Fox says:

    My favourite weapon is HK416D10RS

  24. Hawkgun says:

    My favorite weapon is the M240

  25. Travis says:

    Favorite weapon would be my mind, but if we are talking hardware it iwould be my ITAS.

  26. MarkNTM-A says:

    My favorite weapon is the MAG 58 GPMG, M240, C6 or whatever you wanna call it. 50 plus years of dedicated service and client satisfaction!

  27. Todd says:

    HK416….in the hands of an intelligence analyst.

  28. Ipkiss says:

    My favourite weapon would be the KMW Leopard 2a6 NL. Unfortunately our government has just decided our army can do without main battle tanks so please grieve with me..

    The hill-knives Afghanistan memorial knife would serve nicely as a backup..

  29. ARG says:

    The air cooled, blowback operated, fully automatic grenade launcher…at 300+ rounds per minute, what’s not to like?

    Yes, the mk19

  30. cpt.bell says:

    I’d have to say my favorite weapon is the M14. Reliable, accurate, modifiable (see the EBR from Rock Island) and down right American as apple pie.

  31. Spc. says:

    My favorite weapon is the mind of a Combat Infantryman. Favorite physical weapon of choice would be an AK-47.

  32. LCpl L says:

    Favorite weapon. Easy, my SAW. Started out as a love/hate relationship, but as time progressed I came to love her. It’s all about keeping her nice and clean, while sliding a couple fingers of lube into her. The dirty girl we all love to hate, but will always have you begging for more!

  33. UlfBjorn says:

    A prepared mind.

  34. Stuart Neilson says:

    Favourite weapon: Of all the weapons I’ve fired the Barrat Light 50 was probably the most impressive and I rather like my 1897 pattern infantry officer’s sword.

  35. Debo says:
