
Intelligent Armour Introduces New Helmets

UK Intelligent Armour has introduced new variants of their MACH 1, 2 & 3 series helmets that integrates Ops-Core rails and VAS shrouds. MACH stands for Military Advanced Combat Helmet and all three helmets offer NIJ IIIA protection. The MACH 1 is similar in shape to a US ACH while the MACH 2 takes a mid-cut approach similar to the TC-2002. Finally, the MACH 3 features a high cut like the TC 2001 to accommodate large comms/ear defender systems. The addition of the Ops-Core components adds a great deal of versatility to these designs although we are unsure why they didn’t go all the way and also include the excellent Ops-Core chin strap as well as an optional Occi-dial liner.

All three models are available in Tan, Green, and Black from

Additionally, Intelligent Armour Limited will be at the Counter Terror Expo in London this week in stand M50 in the National Hall at London Olympia. They will have reps from Blackhawk, 5.11 Tactical and Karrimor SF. Additionally, CEO Alex Bomberg will be giving a 20 Min lecture on Special Forces body armor during one of the workshops.

5 Responses to “Intelligent Armour Introduces New Helmets”

  1. Doc Dodge says:

    Darn site fancier than the old steel pot.

  2. .308 says:

    Ouch. Pricey helmets, nothing new or special about them. You can buy American or Israeli made product for several hundred cheaper.

  3. Stefan says:

    .308 is right not new tech, just higher prices.

  4. bombastic says:

    rubbish company rip off merchants!

    • Administrator says:

      Comments like this are precisely why we didn’t allow them for so long. Your comment is without merit if you are unwilling to give any substantive proof of why you feel that they are a “ripoff”. Otherwise, you look like a shill for another company come here to trash talk.