SIG SAUER - Never Settle

S&S Precision Introduces QR Code

At first you may ask, “What’s a Quick Response (QR) Code?” You may already know about it and not even realize it. Have you ever noticed that matrix bar code on Military Morons’ photos? Or maybe seen a big square bar code in a magazine ad? If you use your smart phone’s camera and a bar code reader to read it, it will send you to a website to learn more. And this is exactly what S&S Precision’s new QR code does. In their case it takes you to their online catalog. Try it.

“Scan me with your mobile device and watch as I instantly deliver the S&S 2011 Catalog to your phone…” Think of it as “…badass alien technology!”


3 Responses to “S&S Precision Introduces QR Code”

  1. Golf One Echo says:

    How or who can produce one?

  2. Administrator says:

    It’s free

  3. Stefan says:

    MM poser.