SIG MMG 338 Program Series

You Find the Darndest Things on Craigslist

An intrepid reader sent us this one.

Basically for $75,000 you get two URLs no one has heard of, an Angelfire-based (yes, apparently it still exists) based business and a client list. The seller is very adamant that he won’t show you his financials which sets off sirens from here to Wall Street. That is, if the Craigslist advertisement wasn’t enough. He claims his client list should be enough to seal this deal.

4 Responses to “You Find the Darndest Things on Craigslist”

  1. PO'ed says:

    Hey this guy has sold MRE’s with cash upfront to many small businesses and then never delivers….It is a scam!!!!!

    • Administrator says:

      Ballistica Maximus Corp.
      St. Petersburg, Florida USA
      Skype: BallisticaMax
      CAGE: 1YAZ9 NATO: XP972

      21 Dec ’11


      I just noticed your blurb regarding the sale notice on CraigsList for Ballistica Maximus Corp. dated
      May 26 2011 at 12:00 pm by “PO’d”. For the record, BMC has been in business since 1991, our financial’s are just fine, thank you. We are stockholders in 1 of 4 GSA approved issue MRE manufacturers, we send humanitarian rations world-wide, work closely with DoD, DoS, FEMA, and the rest of our satisfied clients as shown on our client list.
      In all the years of service to the industry, two…count ’em…two small orders never reached the client. Both were due to having to deliver to domestic disaster drop points. We have shipped virtually 1,000’s of pallets to satisfied clients. I am the owner and have personally spent all of my evening hours with shipping on one phone & the client on the other making sure that our product got through FEMA manned road-blocks to deliver or that the 5 pallet order to Nepal was carried through 15 km’s of jungle by hand to get to the purchaser during a time of crisis.
      I strongly object to “PO’d’s” defamation and clearly uninformed critique of BMC and our rating in the MRE community, which is very small. If there had been any intentioned fraud occurring, you may be assured that this self-regulating industry would have put us out of business.
      The biz is for sale because I’m tired. I just want to move to my property so far N. that I pay Canadian tax on my upper 5, open a small custom gun shop (yes, I’m a 25 yr master ‘smith), and spend lot’s of time fooling trout.
      You Find the Darndest Things on Craigslist « Soldier Systems Cheers’,

      Adrian Canton
      CEO / Owner

      • Administrator says:

        Ballistica Maximus Corp.
        St. Petersburg, Florida USA
        Skype: BallisticaMax
        CAGE: 1YAZ9 NATO: XP972

        21 Dec ’11


        Points of interest:

        a. NO MRE supplier ships product unless prepaid. This is INDUSTRY STANDARD.
        b. Our financials are sealed due to the large number of classified gov’t deliveries and/or
        civilian clients who wish to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
        c. As the supplier to NYC Emergency Services / NY FEMA Emergency Operations,

        one would imagine that:

        1. We have a long, successful relationship.
        2. We had been examined closely.
        d. We invite you to look at our client list, and drop a dime. See for yourself.

        Adrian Canton

  2. Nathan says:

    There’s a sucker born every minute. Some poor sap is going to buy this and get into a mess of trouble.