TYR Tactical

Corps Strength – High Mileage People

Two of the most common questions I get concerning PT is “How do you do still PT this hard at your age?”, and “Can I do your program at my age?” What I always answer is; “Age ain’t a number”. Some people are worn out and broken at 30 while others are still going strong in their 60’s and 70’s. I have seen more examples of this than I can count. Obviously some people have injuries and health problems that will limit what they can do. However, almost anyone can do something and I have seen many older (and some disabled people) do some amazing physical stuff, and that’s amazing for any age. While they’re all different people, what they all have in common is a “no excuses” attitude. They just get their butts up and go do what they can. I’m convinced that a good exercise program, tailored to your needs and lifestyle, consistently followed will not only add years to your life, but life to your years. Add to that some common sense eating and you’ll be able to do just about anything. This is not just my opinion but a fact, I see people doing it everyday. In my book “Corps Strength” I outline how you can design and follow a common sense, effective and time efficient PT program. One that will work for you, not the other way around. So the point of all this? Stop worrying about how old you are, how tired, or sore you are and just get your ass moving. Forget the excuses and you’ll be surprised at what even a little effort will bring you. I guarantee it.

Be safe and Good luck,


2 Responses to “Corps Strength – High Mileage People”

  1. tomaso says:

    I completely agree…im 43 and missing my right leg above the knee..iv noticed that when doing aggressive sparing and training that i heal faster have a much higher tolerance for pain and fend of colds and such much faster (in a day or so) my theory is that aggressive work outs require your body to produce repair cells at a much higher rate..and in so doing are in abundance during your every day and sleep cycles.. its just a theory but considering how much healthier i am when i have bumps,bruises and cardio workouts 3 times a week I’m a believer.

  2. mEKmonkey says:

    I agree at 40 in headed to Army basic training and I feel way better then I did at 30 and after a back surgery many years ago! I’m in the best shape I’ve been in my life simply because I work out 6 days a week without fail.