SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Now It All Makes Sense (Glock Content)

Just a little humor to break the levity around here. BTW, we love Glocks. The Gen 4? Not so much.

Thanks US Palm!

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5 Responses to “Now It All Makes Sense (Glock Content)”

  1. Travis Barrett says:

    “We are having problems with the test fire process because we can’t get it to go 500 rounds without a malfunction. We are going to call it a ‘break in period’. We got the idea from Kimber.”

    Best line ever. HAHA!

  2. SlapRackTap says:

    Awesome. Has anyone posted this to the Glock page yet?

  3. .308 says:

    levity is humor.. FYI.

  4. .308 says:

    really funny by the way…

  5. Praecis says:

    That – “Glocks” 🙂