GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Happy 4th!

What can I say? For 235 years you have been a singular beacon of hope in a world beset by every sort of “ism” ever inflicted upon man.

America, I love you.

Happy Birthday!

21 Responses to “Happy 4th!”

  1. Strike-Hold! says:

    Happy Birthday to the country I freely chose to become a citizen of, and to wear the uniform of, and who’s CONSTITUTION I swore to protect against all enemies (foreign AND domestic).

  2. PJ says:

    Happy bday America.

    With love from Afghanistan. Hooyah.

  3. Sean says:

    Happy Birthday America…

  4. jrexilius says:


    Happy Birthday America!

  5. Deepy says:

    wow, singular beacon of hope in a world beset by every sort of “ism” ever inflicted upon man? thats how u see it?

  6. Administrator says:


    It seems as though your country got the beat down by Nazism and Communism; both in the last century. Good thing there was an America to stand up to them both.

    The Ed

  7. Mike D says:

    Well played, sir, well played indeed. I agree with you completely.

  8. Strike-Hold! says:

    Good thing there were Brits, French, Canadians, Australians, Russians, and so on who stood up too. 😉

  9. BSG11 says:

    Deepy, jingoism has long been part of Americanism. Especially on a day that emphasizes patriotism and American exceptionalism, one should not be surprised to find triumphalism everywhere.

    So, instead, think of such statements as expressions of nationalism, think of them as exercises in contextualism.

    • Administrator says:


      How about we put them in the context of American exceptionalism?

      -The Ed

  10. Old Paratrooper says:

    Hey…It’s AMERICA’s birthday today. You know, where we threw off the yoke of British imperialism? And then, over the course of the next 235 years stood firm on a set of principles that nobody else had ever held as dear.

    Sorry, to inject a little bit of reality into the mix here, but like it or not, nobody has EVER done what we have.

    I might like my foreign buds a lot, but these facts remain.

    And hey Strike-Hold…those Russians really did a great job holding back that communism thing, didn’t they?

  11. Deepy says:

    to BSG11: Respect!

    to Admin:
    BTW I am from Czech Republic. My country was handed over to Nazis by France, Great Britain and Italy as a part Munich Agreement/Betrayal. And again, after the war, we were handed over to Ruskies during Yalta Conference. As u can see, not much fighting there. More of a “about us but without us” style politics.

  12. Strike-Hold! says:

    America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral fact – the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality. ~Adlai Stevenson

    @Old Paratrooper – LOL. 😉

  13. Old Paratrooper says:

    Strike-Hold! I can’t believe you quoted that liberal Stevenson.

  14. BSG11 says:

    America can think of itself as however exceptional as it wants to be, as long as it remembers that even a country as exceptional as American is still a work in progress with room for improvement and advancement.

    Happy 4th of July.

  15. Deepy says:

    BSG11 for president!

  16. Administrator says:

    Sure, America can always improve. The difference between us and them? We actually do.

    Just because you aren’t perfect doesn’t mean you aren’t better than everybody else.

  17. Mike D says:

    It has been my experience that those that are most
    critical of the United States of America are the ones that most want to be us, or like us.
    For 235 years people from all over the world have been coming HERE to find their dreams. Not to England, no matter how great she is,not to Germany, not to Russia, or Canada… there is one place on the planet Earth that people come to seek their dreams and that place is America.

    Happy birthday to The United States of America.

  18. Deepy says:

    Admin: Better than everybody else? Measured by what?

  19. Standy says:

    We have a dune buggy on Mars.

    Beat that.

    Semper Fi and happy birthday Uncle Sam…

  20. Old Paratrooper says:


    Best answer yet