RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

How Not To Be Seen

After Facebook Fan “Way Point” offered this one up, we just couldn’t resist.

5 Responses to “How Not To Be Seen”

  1. Martin says:

    Back in the stone ages for the check point operations class at mine warfare before going to Bosnia they used the Black Knight vs King Arthur scene from The Holy Grail. Monty Python offers many excellent training aids to the discerning viewer.

  2. Monty Python says:

    The killer joke is also a great informational video.

  3. Stuart Neilson says:

    You should also alert your readers to MP’s ‘Marching Up and Down the Square’.


  4. chris says:

    “mrs B. J. Smegma” haha

  5. murphquake says:

    Classic Monty Python. Knew it as soon as I saw the screenshot =-D Fecthez la vache!