SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Hill People Gear – Bike Frame Bag

What started out as a weekend project for the guys at Hill People Gear has started to make some buzz. It’s a bike frame bag designed to hold a fork pump and tire pump. Apparently, the owner seemed to forget them when he went on rides since he uses the one of two backpacks no matter if he is hiking, skiing, biking or whatever. He doesn’t need the pumps for anything but biking so he would often forget to pack them. The natural answer was to configure the load on the bike.

Go take a look and participate in their poll if you are a customer. They are looking for input on what they should develop next.


One Response to “Hill People Gear – Bike Frame Bag”

  1. […] month, we posted an article about a Hill People Gear project, the Bike Frame Bag. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones to see the utility in their design. Our friends at […]