GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

215 Gear Short Sleeve Operator’s Shirt

Now available for pre-order, 215 Gear’s Short Sleeve Operator’s Shirt is made for “today’s barrel chested freedom fighter.” With a description like that, seriously, how can you go wrong? Truthfully, it’s not all hype. According to 215 Gear it is made from CoolMax for comfort and assembled using flat seam construction to avoid hot spots. Finally, they’ve added a 4″ x 4″ Velcro square for IFF patches.


Made in USA and available for pre-order in sizes Medium – X-Large from 215 Gear.


5 Responses to “215 Gear Short Sleeve Operator’s Shirt”

  1. Gregory says:

    Velco on a t-shirt? That is very tacti-useless.

  2. Hammer says:

    Its not even FR…

  3. FormerSFMedic says:

    I can understand why they would design a shirt like this. When I was in Afghanistan I wore a t-shirt under my plate carreir/body armour all the time. Having a shirt like this would at least given me a little functionality by adding the velcro panels to the sleeves. On the other hand, I can also see the whole “tacticool” issue with this shirt as well. I guess overall a moisture wicking t-shirt with velcro on the sleeves is “value added”. If you’re going to run a T under your armour, it might as well be this one.

    BTW, the 215 Gear Hats are awesome!

  4. paulie says:

    I’d wear one.

  5. Mateo says:

    “Its not even FR…”

    The melt point of CoolMax is 491F. You could do worse, I guess.
