GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Hastati II Tactical Armor Carrier

Hardpoint Equipment has introduced the Hastati II Tactical Armor Carrier. They really pulled out all of the stops on this one which they developed for a USSOCOM requirement. Designed to fit MBAV cut armor panels and standard plates, every piece (shoulder-straps, side straps, cummerbund, etc.) of the Hastati is removable and replaceable, including the MOLLE panels. Take a look at the photos. You can see how Hardpoint contains the plate, cradling it, yet also accommodating the flexibility of accepting MOLLE or a smooth front. Additionally, the lengths and angles of the individual pieces can also be adjusted to exact individual preference. They’ve put a lot of thought into this one. It offers flexibility and configurability in a lightweight package. And yes, there’s something special going on with those magazine pouches.



8 Responses to “Hastati II Tactical Armor Carrier”

  1. Dano says:

    What are those mag pouches?

  2. Jimbo says:

    Interesting concept. I would love to see the “model” in the pic actually patrol on that terrain with the SCAR slung like that. The magazine pouches, though different from most, would be a detriment to the mission. You can even see the rounds in the magazine if you look closely. Do they realize how much sand/dust would be up in those mags after coming off of an MH-47 in the middle of the night? How about riding a quad? I look like a dust bunny after just an hour of riding. I patrol dismounted almost exclusively in terrain like that pictured and I don’t like the looks of those mag pouches at all. Just my .02 though.

  3. Jimbo says:

    I just went to their website and they show numerous pics of the mag pouchs upside down. I’m skeptical on whether the mags would stay in place during a “normal” mission. Please excuse my criticism, just a little grumpy this morning. I’m going to go fire the 120, it always makes me feel better.

  4. Buckaroomedic says:

    And people bitch about the amount of velcro on their uniforms now . . . ?

  5. Dano,

    They are our new “Mortifer” auto-tensioning mag-pouches. More details regarding them can be found here:



    Your skepticism is understandable, but please know that the pouches are currently being tested in the environment you’ve mentioned and are performing excellent so far. The ones shown in the pics were early stage prototypes. If you look at the link I posted directly above, under the “Product Info” tab, you will see that there are four different configurations available. The ones in the pics are without sides–we make them with sides, too.

    Regarding the running of them inverted, I assure you the retention is sufficient. Nobody has been able to lose any mags yet. For the naysayers, however, we may offer a secondary retention system, just to alleviate that fear once and for all.

    As for the weapon’s dangle, it’s a posed shot, man, setup to showcase different aspects of several products we offer. Obviously, nobody would actually patrol that way. That said, we are working on a new, high-speed weapon’s catch that could make such a scenario at least possible, while still probably not advisable.

    Any other issues?

  6. Buckaroomedic,

    The center pic doesn’t have the cover on, so as to show how the system works. Even when run slick, there is an included fabric cover that protects clothing and holds the pieces together.

    Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this kind of versatility without the use of Velcro? I’m all ears if you do.

  7. Jimbo says:

    Thomas, thanks for the reply. Good copy on the ones with sides. Just wanted to throw in my thoughts. My mags have to be cleaned out constantly and they are in the mag pouches on the JPC. I work in a very dirty place though. I understand about the posed pics. Just thought it was a little funny. I feel better after having shot some rounds.

  8. No problem, Jimbo. You can’t advance the technology, if you are unwilling to deviate from the norm sometimes. When you do, a lot of people don’t understand the end result.

    We don’t talk about it much, but all of our stuff is designed and used by operators currently in theater, long before it is ever released to the public, though the marketing doesn’t always reflect this.

    We have not and will not produce anything that doesn’t 1) work as advertised and 2) offer a notable advantage over the competition.