
SP901 Pricing

The commercially available version of Colt’s new .308 rifle is the SP901 rather than CM901 (Colt Modular). It will go for a cool $2,129.00. What makes this rifle so special is that with a simple change of upper receivers, you can covert the 901 from .308 to .223. No other alterations to the rifle are required thanks to the 901’s innovative magwell.

Beyond 556 via The Firearm Blog

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4 Responses to “SP901 Pricing”

  1. Michael R. Zupcak says:

    Wow, basically an M4 with a large magazine well and monolithic upper. Same dirty, direct-impingement crap. The sad part is that our troops will probably end up using these rifles instead of superior weapons (like the HK416, XM8, or Remington ACR) because of all the lobbying Colt does. A large mag well doesn’t justify using an inferior weapon, and it also doesn’t justify a $2,200 price tag when you’ll likely need to shell out another $1,000+ for a second upper to even make use of that large mag well.

    • Jon says:

      I’m sorry you buy into all of the BS. Direct gas is still preferred over piston for a lot of professionals. iIRC, Pat Rodgers has a Bravo Company Manufacturing AR loaner gun that has never been cleaned except once at around 30000 rounds before being cleaned after it finally suffered a malfunction. The BCG was replaced once at 17000 rounds.

      The ACR is a joke, terrible accuracy And reliability issues. I do like the HK416 but don’t believe the piston is necessary. The piston in the hk has also been so strong it’s knocked loose optic mounts.

      Colt AR are far from being inferior. I wish they would adopt a mid length gas system and better buffer, but they’re better than most. The DEA had so many of their LWRC M6s breaking, notably the gas system, they begged for Colt m4a1s.

  2. Joe Shmoe says:

    Awesome! Now when does it come out?

  3. Haji says:

    I’m totally fascinated by this rifle. The increased capabilities are substantial, but I wonder how long I’ll be able to do the “one lower/two uppers” thing. I will invariably want to get another lower to have two rifles. It’s what gun guys do. Being a Colt, it should run like a sewing machine in both calibers.

    There’s some very serious upside to this system for the military supply chains.