RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

4000th Article

Holy Cow! We actually missed it. This is post #4004. That’s right, SSD has 4004 active posts. Not too shabby for a website that is still not even 4 years old.

So here’s to another 4000 articles and hopefully it won’t take nearly as long. Thanks to all of our longtime readers and all of those who have joined us recently. What would the point be without you?

6 Responses to “4000th Article”

  1. Scotty C says:

    Congrats Guys…..Keep up the good work.

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  2. TM says:

    Congrats SSD. Keep up the good work!

  3. Orion307 says:

    Outfrickinstanding! It is a good Christmas.

  4. mike says:

    My day would certainly more boring, less rich, and less informed without you. Thanks for the work you do.

  5. longevity and admiration are hard won in this community. Solid dedication to honest, evenhanded reporting has brought you both. You write for the war-fighters interest. It is absolutely appreciated.

  6. jrexilius says:

    nicely done! keep up the stream of great articles!