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You Can’t Run From The Internet

Industry Professionals, please go to the link below and read the whole story of a “PR Professional” in the computer gaming industry who went full retard in a series of emails that garnered him the attention of several websites. End result, bad for said “PR Professional.” Once he realized how screwed he was, and begged for it to stop, he was informed that it was too late; the internet had the story.

This is the age we live in. Think about what you say. I learned this lesson in the military. Once you send that email, it’s in the wild and there’s no calling it back.

Post something really dumb on a forum? Well, you might be able to go back and cover your tracks and get away with it once in awhile. But if you’re a REAL toolbag, you’ve made yourself some enemies and they lie in wait for you to show your ass and then copy it before your brain kicks in. Then, they’ve got you twice. Once for being a jerk and the second time for being a sneaky jerk and deleting it.

I know people who have whole email archives of email from others in industry implicating them in all manner of evils. They sit in wait for when alliances shift.

So, don’t do it. Smile at your detractors. Laugh behind their backs, in person if possible. Backhanded compliments are your friend. Offer them liberally. Tell your off-color jokes on-on-one. But don’t send an email telling a customer that they are a chump for buying your product. You just never know where it will end up and who will pay attention.

7 Responses to “You Can’t Run From The Internet”

  1. steve says:

    I wonder how many people will never buy from these people after this.
    I know I won’t.

  2. Martin says:

    If I knew somebody was archiving emails from anybody in case they needed to use it against somebody I would try to limit communication with that person.

    • Administrator says:

      That’s the problem, anyone could be doing it. Hell, someplaces do it as a matter of policy.

  3. Sean says:

    Repeat after me, the customer is always right, the customer is….

  4. Riceball says:

    Wow, what terrible customer service and on top of it, this guy has some of the worst spelling and grammar I’ve ever seen from a so-called professional. I also love how this “PR-professional” in one e-mail basically insults the guy who runs Penny Arcade and PAX and in the next e-mail, once he realizes who he’s actually talks to, starts to kiss his ass.