
12 Days of Tactical Christmas – Day #11

MSR is a huge supporter of the military and they really came through for us today with 11 of their Whisperlite Stoves.

Also, don’t forget, today’s winners as well as every other winner, will receive a 2012 Tac Girls Calendar. (Just the calendar, not any of the girls)

To Enter
Enter your answer to today’s question in the comment section of THIS post, here on SSD. Today’s question is, “What is your favorite field ration?”

Don’t think about it, just do it because we could close comments at any time. And, remember to use a valid email address so we can inform you in case you win. One entry per email address per contest. You have to enter each one separately in order to win.

Details at

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261 Responses to “12 Days of Tactical Christmas – Day #11”

  1. John says:

    My favourite IMP is Meatloaf with onion sauce. But I’ve always just used them as a starting point at making something that is more than eatible.

  2. Mike T says:

    Dehydrated pork patty.

  3. Jesse says:

    Oatmeal mix in just about anything.

  4. Chris says:

    Chili Mac and jalapeno cheese mixed with crushed up MRE crackers topped off with tabasco. Boom…

  5. Brandon says:

    My favourite ration is the Veggie Burger from MREs

  6. J.L. says:

    MRE “bread” is what’s up.

  7. JW Patterson says:

    The old beef patty MREs. While dehydrated it was like eating beef jerky…yummy

  8. Jon says:

    Seconding the PB&J, doesn’t get much better than that.

  9. Justin says:

    Hot chocolate. Although I have made many friends with melted brie cheese and brown sugar on top of french bread.

  10. Jake says:

    Peanut butter and anything + coffee

  11. Biltong or jerky. Various animals.

  12. Adrian says:

    My favorite MRE is the Chicken Breast meal. Its the easiest to eat on the go and you don’t have to screw with any of the meal items.

  13. jj says:

    Can’t choose much, so the meatballs are the way to go.

  14. AE says:

    King Oscar Two Layer sardines.

  15. Arthur says:

    The Chile Mac MRE I loved the Shit out of that. I had my little stash of them on my Stryker.

  16. DAn says:

    Peanut butter and Jelly or chicken noodle soup are my preferred comfort foods when camping/hiking.

  17. Don says:

    Beef Jerky and Clif Bars

  18. Nick says:

    Chilimac MRE… lots of hot sauce.

  19. Don H says:

    Beef jerky and trail mix.

  20. Ben says:

    MRE Meatballs

  21. Frank the Tank says:

    Beef jerky

  22. Myer says:

    Coffee, lots of coffee

  23. John says:

    I like the vegetarian MRE’s opposed to the normal ones. Which is to say, I don’t like either type. Penne Paste would probably get my vote.

  24. Nick The Brit says:

    Favorite MRE (when I have to eat them) is Tuna – I generally carry 2 or 3 packs of tuna in my ruck just in case.

  25. Fred says:

    Spaghetti MRE… well, it was when there was still cheese sauce in it. Last one I had didn’t and I was pissed. Heat that shit up and squirt it in the main course, and it’s awesome; especially at Ft. McCoy in February.

  26. Austin says:

    I live on Cliff Bars when I’m out in the field, and I always have some chilli-mac and peanut butter handy.

  27. steven r says:

    MRE Spaghetti, with the whole tabasco in it.

  28. Bubba Kingfloat says:

    Clif Mojo bars and Via coffee. That is, when I’m in “the field” 😉

  29. Mike T says:

    Dehydrated Pork Patty

  30. William says:

    Pork rib meat.

  31. Brad says:

    Omelet with Ham!

  32. Wulfi says:

    The new Danish Field Ration, with freeze-dried breakfast and dinner is the balls!
    Good for field exercises as well as for hiking :o)

  33. Levi says:

    Mountain house.

  34. Holger says:

    Air-dried French Salami and bread. If it has to be Military I’d choose the German MRE Cookies. They’re called Panzerplatten – Tank armour – for a reason!

  35. Andy says:

    Chili Mac MRE and instant coffee

  36. SGT Rock says:

    Backpacker meals, because for years they’ve tasted better than MRE’s and are lighter to carry as well.

  37. Rich275 says:

    My favorite ration was the cold weather, breakfast MRE from the early 90’s. GREAT strawberry oatmeal!

  38. Bryan G says:

    Mountain house

  39. steve says:

    British 24-hr Ration

  40. Clayton says:

    Coffee and homemade jerky

  41. Al says:


  42. Eric says:

    My favorite MRE is Chicken Penne Pasta.

  43. Palehorse1 says:

    Ham slice with an applesauce pack. Always kept my coffee and cream to trade for those two.

  44. Jason Welin says:

    Used to love the Shepard’s Pie in the Canadian IMP’s.

  45. Dave says:

    I like the mountain house meals!

  46. ben lewis says:

    Looks like I’m not the only one to ratf$#& the chilimac mre’s

  47. Bob M says:

    Love me some instant oatmeal.

  48. Peter says:

    Home made trail mix. You can’t beat it for quick energy and it tastes great!

    Thanks for puttin this on!


  49. Lew says:

    To be honest nothing beats smoked/dried meat, some dehydrated vegetables, a boullion cube and some rice. Boil it up and you’re good to go.
    If time is short Drytech makes good stuff, I especially like their beef stew.

  50. John B says:

    MRE’s taste pretty damn good when I am really hungry!