GORE-Tex Professional

Corps Strength – Losing it

Now that the holidays are over, it probably comes as no surprise that we’ve put on a few pounds. Really? You mean weeks of partying, drinking and eating lots of great food, combined with lets just say a “reduced” PT schedule would cause you to gain some weight? No kidding Sherlock. Now its time to get back into the groove and shed that holiday weight before it starts adding up. Now forget the New Years resolution crap, you need to do this the right way. IMO the worst thing you can do to accomplish this is to start some “quick fix” nonsense you saw on TV, some infomercial diet, supplement or workout program to try and lose the extra pounds overnight. First off they are unhealthy, expensive and in the vast majority of cases do not work long term. Losing weight and getting in shape first starts with the right “mindset” and continues with a solid plan and consistent effort. In my best selling book: Corps Strength I discuss the proper way to lose and then maintain a healthy bodyweight. I include a common sense eating plan that I have used and have recommended to many others (with great success) for years. I was started using this diet over 30 years ago when I was a AAU boxer and I had to make the 147 lbs weight class, but still have the strength to fight. It worked well for me (didn’t help keep me from getting punched in the face however) and It doesn’t require any special foods or supplements. Losing weight and then keeping it off will never be easy, but it’s not impossible and I actually think it’s not as hard as many people make it. My plan has worked for hundreds and it can work for you to. Try It. Be safe and good luck.

Semper Fi


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