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GEN Petraeus Knighthood Photos

Here are a couple of photos from the Knighting ceremony for GEN David Petraeus, USA (Ret) during which he was honored by the Ministry of Defence with the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Orange Nassau with swords.

Thanks AO!


9 Responses to “GEN Petraeus Knighthood Photos”

  1. Walter says:

    Nothing against General Petraeus but why does the modern world tolerate countries with kings, and queens, and knights? It’s like still using the telegraph just because its there. Anachronistic, backwards institutions like these should be thrown in history’s trash can. I guess it looks fancy and pretty so people keep it.

    • Serving British Soldier says:

      HRH Queen Elizabeth II is a figure of solidity and is looked up to throughout this country. She is one of the main reasons a lot of service personel join, to serve Her and Her realm. Also many of of the Royal family have served themselves. Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Phillip and Lord Mountbatten to name but a few past and present. This is where the British people get a lot of their values and standards and certainly the military. As for a backwards institution. It may be it may not be but many a country are greatful for this country’s help and friendship which is based on these ‘backwards’ values.

      Congratulations General Sir David Pertraeus.

    • Jey says:

      It’s not backward: it’s tradition. Will you call US congress “backward” because it was created in XVIII century?

    • Serving British Soldier says:

      HRH Queen Elizabeth II is a figure of solidity and is looked up to throughout this country. She is one of the main reasons a lot of service personel join, to serve Her and Her realm. Also many of of the Royal family have served themselves. Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Phillip and Lord Mountbatten to name but a few past and present. This is where the British people get a lot of their values and standards and certainly the military. As for a backwards institution. It may be it may not be but many a country are greatful for this country’s help and friendship which is based on these ‘backwards’ values.

      Congratulations General Sir David Pertraeus.

  2. Walter says:

    Ah I figured there would be comments about the US form of government. No I do not consider it backward because it and our Constitution were created hundreds of years ahead of their time. I understand tradition but living as a subject rather than a citizen isn’t following a tradition it’s giving into a form of subjugation. I have nothing against our western allies as people. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate the UK or The Netherlands, or any other European country. The Dutch and British are amazing fighters. I just don’t get clinging onto these feudal ideals.

  3. Serving British Soldier says:

    It’s this ‘feudal’ type system and especially almost tribal like system within our Army that I and many others believe make us the soldiers we are today. I dread the day the UK turn into a defence force with things like ‘1 st ukdf infantry battalion’ or the like. There’s no identity. With no identity pride and loyalty to a unit would be difficult to foster. However if you enter a unit and are inducted into its traditions and nuances you gain an identity and a family of which you are fiercely proud and do your utmost to uphold its name through you’re soldiering.

    • Bruce says:

      You do realize it is possible to have traditions without royalty? Ask the USMC about traditions, or the US Army Cavalry or Rangers. The US military is brimming with pride in traditions, all achieved without being subjects of royalty. Even in the UK military, are your ranks mainly made up of royals, or “commoners”?

  4. Wonderful!!! God Save the Queen!!! S.A Meginnis Des Moines IA. Per enlisted soldier in Afg. UK has given more lives than the US. All sad. But we must not forget this is not just a US confrontation. We should be reminded. Unfortunately in the US…..uninformed!!!

  5. Serving British Soldier says:

    They’re made up of royals, aristocrats/well to do, and general public. I don’t deny what you’re saying but our Army would be a different machine if it weren’t the product of a monarchy. One thing you have to remember is our armed forces hasn’t known anything different then serving the crown. Whereas your armed forces have always been the product of a different democracy and in a way got to choose and introduce there own traditions.