
MultiCam Takes Fashion by Storm

KarmaloopTV sat down with the Nick Wooster at Project Wooster in Vegas to talk fashion. Two things stuck out; how much military clothing influences fashion and that how ubiquitous MultiCam is becoming.

6 Responses to “MultiCam Takes Fashion by Storm”

  1. Strike-Hold! says:

    Never thought I’d see the day when I’d see a Fashionista on SSD… Just sayin. 😉

  2. Jack says:

    Just one more excuse for me to wear MC trousers in public…

  3. killslowly says:

    We’ve been trending this for years!!! We are in the tip of the spear LOL.

  4. Giovani says:

    I wore Multicam before it was cool…:P

  5. Buckaroomedic says:

    Got to get me a pair of those Multicam, suede wing tips and the MC bow tie!

    Multicam; it’s the new black . . .

  6. Daggertx says:

    yeah back in 2002….