RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

20mm Ultra Long Range Sniper System from Anzio Ironworks

This video by Tactical Life of Anzio Ironworks‘ 20×102mm magazine fed, bolt action Ultra Long Range Sniper System is a couple of years old but I wanted to share it anyway. I used to regularly fire a 20mm cannon testing armor systems and I can tell you that at the velocities we were generating I wouldn’t want to shoulder fire the load.

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3 Responses to “20mm Ultra Long Range Sniper System from Anzio Ironworks”

  1. Nightcrawler says:

    20mm Vulcan is electrically primed. They must use some kind of cartridge case loaded with a percussion primer.

    I got to examine one of these beasts at the 2008 SHOT Show. Impressive, to say the least. I’d love an Anzio .50.

    • SSD says:

      I looked at them at SHOT 2008 as well. Yes, they have to create special rounds. As we had to precisely control velocity from shot to shot we went another route.

  2. Reverend says:

    Does it come in coyote?