SureFire XC3

Caveat Emptor – Counterfeit Dueck Defense RTS Sights

Be aware, there are currently a number of counterfeit Dueck Defense RTS Sights currently being sold on eBay, apparently being marketed at the MilSim community (no, not interested in an all-encompassing “Airsofters are evil” diatribe). We first mentioned the Dueck RTS in Dec of 2010. Effectively, they can work as backup sights or as dedicated transition sights for close in targets when your carbine is equipped with a scope. In fact, the RTS replicates the M16-style front and rear sight system many are used to from their time training with issue weapons just mounted on a 45 deg offset.

If you’re looking to purchase one, ensure you are getting the real thing. Dueck Defense RTS Sights are made in the USA and are ISO Certified.  You can find the real thing on the Dueck Defense website or through SureFire.

Here’s a video of the sights in action:

-DR with input from GS

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5 Responses to “Caveat Emptor – Counterfeit Dueck Defense RTS Sights”

  1. James Olsen says:

    No we aren’t all evil, but at the same time common sense rules the day, when I wanted some Magpul stuff for my kit I bought the liscenced stuff from Magpul PTS, common sense really…

  2. Ben says:

    There was also an outrageously cheeky rip-off S&S precision scoutlight mount on a certain website this morning…

  3. Firewalker says:

    I don’t get how that would be that effective… The hop-up in airsoft guns really gets touchy when you start angling the gun to the side and often causes weird arcing in the round’s trajectory… These would just make shooting accurately more difficult (not terribly, but it would be detrimental rather than beneficial).

    Just saying…