GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Found on /k/

Sometimes we see the funniest stuff on /k/. Very sage advice indeed.

10 Responses to “Found on /k/”

  1. Mike D. says:

    You just sited /k/. The world is over.

  2. Andy says:

    I am now embarrassed to be on /k/ so often. I didn’t know anyone respectable was on there to catch me.

  3. Mandaloin says:

    Always wondered how many /k/ommandos browse this site

  4. erick says:

    What is this “/k/” of which you all are speaking?

  5. Wheeler says:

    Wow, never thought that I would hear about that site in here.

  6. Alex says:

    This is probably via Tactical Fanboy.

  7. Mike says:

    /k/ommandos represent! I figured Admin showed up there from time to time based on some comments, but I always wondered about the readers. Seems we’re in good company, feels good man.

  8. Mike says:

    Also, as annoying as trips (especially Skele-Nugget) can be, they often provide the best humor.