
Got an Innovative Idea? DARPA is interested in Soldier Systems

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s Tactical Technology Office (TTO) is “soliciting executive summaries, white papers and proposals for advanced research and development of Innovative Systems for Military Missions.” What interests us in particular is the area that is called out; “Ground and Soldier Systems” as well as several “cross-cutting capabilities: Design Synthesis, Manufacturing, Qualification and Verification & Validation (V&V), and Autonomy.”

According to TTO:
Submitting an executive summary and white paper are opportunities for proposers to have DARPA personnel review their proposed technical concept and receive feedback regarding the relevance of their idea to the TTO mission.
For the purposes of this BAA, relevance to the TTO mission applies to all submissions and is evaluated as follows:
1. The proposed technical effort is evaluated as applicable to the focus areas.
2. The proposal is important to TTO’s area of responsibility as outlined in the BAA.
3. The submission is suitably structured to produce a TTO program or product.
4. TTO has the appropriate personnel to manage the effort.
5. The proposed effort would lead to a useful addition to the TTO program portfolio.
6. There are funds available for the proposed effort.
7. The effort is not duplicative of ongoing efforts in TTO.

As this is a Broad Agency Announcement it will be open for one year unless otherwise directed. To learn more, visit


3 Responses to “Got an Innovative Idea? DARPA is interested in Soldier Systems”

  1. Joe Schmoe says:

    Awesome, give your money-making ideas away for free! To the government no less…

    Why again would anyone do this?

    • SSD says:

      That isn’t how this works. Lots of companies make a good living getting DARPA to pay for their development costs.

      • UVRC says:

        I remember one of DARPA’s crazy projects from years ago. They connected networks of computers together with other networks. DARPA hoped to span the globe with this inter-network.
        Just another hopeless government boondoggle. You never hear of DARPANet anymore. 🙂