RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

ODG Lupus Pattern


Orion Design Group has released a few photos of their Lupus or transitional variant from their US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort submission. Seen here is an ACU-style garment in 50/50 NYCO during a recent hunting trip.


Also, ODG has a very cool splash page, so keep checking back.




10 Responses to “ODG Lupus Pattern”

  1. EGS says:

    i still like the A-TACS and Badlands patterns better.

    • Greg says:

      I kind of wonder where they got the name for it XD.

      • Orion307 says:

        The names of the family of patterns are based upon the Latin designations of keystone predators in nature. Canis Lupus- Wolf (transitional), Vipera-Snake (Arid), Ursus-Bear (Woodland).

  2. chris says:

    whats the difference between this and atacs fg?

    side by side?

    • SSD says:

      Have you seen A-TACS FG? It’s a woodland pattern as in Forest Green. Lupus is a transitional pattern.

  3. packrat says:

    Great patterns and good guys, too. Besides nylon, I’d love to see it on some clothing in Merino wool. Pretty much the greatest fabric eva!

    • Orion307 says:

      Thanks packrat. You should go tell our buddies at FirstLite the same thing.

  4. Evan Hill says:

    March 29th, recent hunting trip… I’m trying to figure out what season it is right now 😉 Spring speedgoat? Open season on Canadian Greys? Either way it looks like that lupus camo is going to be a big asset for the stalk. I sure do hope we can put something together with our products.

    • Orion307 says:

      Good call Evan. Was wondering if anyone would catch on to that. Shed hunting season of course. LOL