
Costa Sportin FirstSpear

Chris Costa shared these two images of himself wearing a FirstSpear 6/12 Standhogg Plate Carrier. For those of you who are saying to yourself, “Screw Costa, what about ME?” please understand that he is wearing a pre-production demonstration sample and not a final product. Those will be available later this quarter.

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24 Responses to “Costa Sportin FirstSpear”

  1. Matt N says:

    For those that say screw costa……say it to his face 🙂

  2. Kevin Larkin says:

    What top is Costa wearing?

  3. Debo says:

    Looks like a Naga Hoody in Croc with his logo stitched on the sleeve.

  4. SGT Rock says:

    Pffft… I’ll keep wearing my LBT my plate carrier.

  5. gregory says:

    Costa needs to adjust that PC so the plates ride proper high. He is jacked up!

  6. Strandhögg SAPI Cut Plate Carrier is the Heat!

  7. Grammarian says:

    Front plate is way too low. This is one of the first things I have to correct on the vast majority of Soldiers and Officers within my span of control.

    Of course, it doesn’t really matter if it’s just for looks … ; )

  8. MattF says:

    Looks like he’s rocking a Source hydration system as part of that First Spear Rig.

  9. straps says:

    Are those Small SAPIs? But yeah, they need to be moved waay up, especially if he’s gonna downsize to save weight (to enable all that sprinting and dropping he does…)

    But yeah, I’m seriously digging that First Spear kit. I think about those “Tubes” releases every time I have to mess with the hook & loop on my current carrier…

  10. AcidGambit says:

    @Matt N

    Who would say screw Costa? He’s a Flat Range Ninja and a Gear Queer, and a pretty good shooter to boot. If you look at him for what he is, not an Operator, he is a lot like most guys in the shooting community.

    • straps says:

      I think some are jealous of (a) the niche he and his associate created for themselves and (b) their willlingness to see how far it takes them. And there will likely be grist for the mill. Haley Skimmer anyone?

      Far as the basis for Costa’s authority on what he teaches, funny thing about Coast Guard guys with formal weapons backgrounds: Every one I’ve met–every last one–has been at least a 95th percentile shooter everywhere their performance was scored for speed and accuracy, be it competitions or academies. As for tactics at the team level and up, USCG has its role, but dummies tend not to be even invited to enlist…

    • guerrilla says:

      Flat range ninja. I’m stealing that. Awesome.

      • guerrilla says:

        I don’t think anyone is jealous. But there plenty of non “Flat Range Ninja’s” (Thanks Acid Gambit) that get a good laugh out of of the little man with a big ego. Action figure and all.

  11. PLiner says:

    Flat range Ninja, thats a good one. Why do people even care what guys like this are wearing or using gear wise? When is the last time Costa or any of the others like him have been down range and actually NEEDED this kind of gear day to day? Great, the guy can shoot, but if you are making your gear selections based off of what you see mooks like this wearing/using on the flat range for use down range you need to check your azimuth.

    • straps says:

      Agreed. But nonetheless important to note that First Spear (and other good mfrs) don’t design around the needs of instructors who guage their success by selling videos, filling classes and shilling numbered rifles.

  12. skunkworks says:

    Anybody know what Mag Carries on his Drop leg he is running?

  13. haji says:

    Costa is not only a tremendous shooter, he’s a very accomplished teacher. Whether you want to learn what he’s got is up to you, but that’s a totally separate question from whether he’s good at the gig or not.

  14. ODG says:

    I have to agree with Haji, is Chris a Coastie? Yep, has he ever been in a gun fight? Nope. But, is he a great marksman and instructor? Absolutely, and if by being a good flat range ninja he imparts some wisdom on even one student that saves that student’s life he did his job.