SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Darley Defense Day opens at JBLM

Darley Defense Day has kicked off at Joint Base Lewis McCord. SSD is on site and will be touring the vendor show with Duffy Cavanaugh, the local Darley representative and POC. There are 30+ manufacturers here now, including WT Tactical, Benchmade Knives, Leupold, Creative Tent International, etc.

Duffy describes the event as an …”An intimate show typically for a brigade to talk one on one with SMEs of the equipment in question and let them talk to the people behind the gear they use (or would potentially like to use). This show was hosted by 1SFG and we wound up inviting a number of SOF units and others. We’ve got 2/75, 19th and 20th group, STS from McCord…4/2 has some folks here, because of the venue any command group or logistics staff were invited. Thing that’s really good is we get to have vendors in a more personal setting…especially let’s folks here get a look at things before SPECOPS West…”

The show is over at the 1SFG Fitness Facility and is open to all military personnel. Come by if you have a minute. Questions, e-mail Duffy from Darley Defense at duffy(at)

The show runs until 1600 with a reception after.




2 Responses to “Darley Defense Day opens at JBLM”

  1. Rick says:

    Today only?

  2. Great Show at Ft. Lewis, thanks to all the guys who attended and checked out the Smith Elite gear, we appreciate the hospitality that was extended to us. Special thanks to Duffy, George, Pete, Jeffrey, John, Dale and the Darley Defense crew. Smith Elite out!