TYR Tactical

Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet

We don’t have a lot of details yet but Speer Operational Technologies has introduced the Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet. It is designed to provide stable and complete occlusion of flow of blood to the lower extremities for uncompressible hemorrhage that is not treatable by a tourniquet in the leg, groin and inguinal region. It has 510(k) approval from the FDA for difficult to control inguinal hemorrhage. It is applied to the mid-abdomen, tightened and inflated and may remain on for up to an hour safely.

For more info visit www.speeroptech.com.


6 Responses to “Abdominal Aortic Tourniquet”

  1. Rob says:


  2. John says:

    Wow, I wasn’t expecting to see the AAT on the site. Thank you. I am one of the inventors and would be happy to answer any questions. The device was made to meet the number one capability gap on the battlefield, junctional pelvic hemorrhage. It’s been 6 years in the making with collaboration with the special operations community. We were also recently informed that we were selected by Popular Science as one of their inventions of the year. It will appear in their June issue. Again thank you.

  3. Buckaroomedic says:

    @John – has it been through clinical and field trials?

    • John says:

      Yes. Clinical trials were done on pigs for a full 60 min application. Full return of blood flow after 60 min showed no dangerous rise in potassium or lactate. Microscopic and gross inspection of bowel showed no bowel ischemia. There was a human trial done in 2010 and presented at ATACCC last year showing efficacy and safety in humans. It was taken to Afghanistan in early 2011 and presented during the SOF CASEVAC evaluation for field trials. Some final changes were made. Mid May we will begin to deliver them to special operations units that have already tested and evaluated the device. The ISRAEL is also purchasing some of the first run for further research as is the Ministry of Defense in the UK. Thanks for the question.

      • John says:

        Curse auto correct! Instead of “ISREAL” that should have been ISR for the Institute for Surgical Research, the military’s medical research arm