TYR Tactical

Bravo 18

Formed by a couple of former Special Forces Weapons Sergeants, Bravo 18 has an refreshing take on the gun business –

At Bravo 18 the operator is mission one. We manufacture, modify and repair all types of weapons for the purpose of providing warriors with the weapon enhancements they require from mission to mission.

Bravo18 will absolutely never tell you what you need. We don’t know your mission, we just know weapon systems and how to modify them to best meet your requirements.

With over 60 years of aggregate gunsmithing experience they tend to specialize in the AK family of weapons, but they work on ARs and Shotguns as well as the M14/M1A family as well.



9 Responses to “Bravo 18”

  1. stevo says:

    They had a really neat suppressor idea. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any reviews on any of their products.

  2. Ben Branam says:

    Their weapons look really cool. I’d like to add some stuff to my AK, but their web site is hard to use.

    • PLiner says:

      What did you expect, they’re 18 bravos. I’ll wager their monitors have big red crayon marks all over the screen from trying to make their website. πŸ™‚

      I’m still amazed that its possible for most 18 bravos to grasp the concept of angle T. πŸ™‚

  3. Russ says:

    Ha, so true, our site is seriously lacking the slightest expertise, It took 2 Bravo’s 3 weeks 2 finger typing to build it badly! Not to mention doing it all with the Alpha correcting our punctuation, the 180 informing us of possible conflicts of interest, the Echo running a virus check, the Charlie wanting an inventory (again), and a fat finger Delta doing a physical. I thought those were once a year not once a week!?

    Anyway, we hired some professionals to build us a new one, eta is about 6 weeks. Same with the suppressor Co.

    The suppressor company is doing a complete system live fire demo in Tampa during SOFIC. I’m sure there will plenty of reviews after. Any interested SOF are welcome to attend.

    I use dry erase on my screen, broke all my crayons!

  4. Russ says:


    We wont be displaying in SOFIC, we will be on a private outdoor range demonstrating the suppressor system and AK’s during SOFIC. Not sure what your rules are on advertising demos, dates or products on your site. Happy to give you all the details via email though.

    • SSD says:

      There ain’t no rules, except we try to avoid writing about BS as much as possible. You were recommended to us. Drop a line.

  5. Russ says:

    Demo days are May 23rd and 24th, approx 30min outside Tampa.

    Suppressor sales are SOF personnel and units only due to limited production, Ak’s and gunsmithing are available to everyone. Please contact support at bravo18.com or suppport@oss-online.com for range info and scheduling.

    Thanks for the press, SSD is certainly welcome to test the products first hand.