
M240L Reset


These M240Ls just came out of reset. Notice the new collapsible stock and MWO for adjustable bipod legs.

Thanks AJ!

5 Responses to “M240L Reset”

  1. Reseremb says:

    Rangers in the last CAPEX were using the same collapsible stock and bipod.

  2. Doc says:

    Just got to play with one of these the other day, I still wouldnt call it “light” but it is a lil bit smaller. I think I still prefer a mk48 though size of a saw and it shoots 7.62 can’t go wrong with that.

  3. Johnny B says:


  4. Alex says:

    Can someone please explain to me why there is a heat shield on the barrels? I never really understood why they don’t rip those things off.

  5. deadcat says:

    We always did. Never liked the things.