SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Blade Show – Medford Knife &Tool – Praetorian


Seen here are several related Medford knives including the new Praetorian in its production form. This is a man’s knife as in, you have to man up to order one. But, once you do, Greg gives each one some special attention such as coated blades or the handle work seen here.


These two photos give you a great look at the beefy pocket clip made from 1/8″ Ti.


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One Response to “Blade Show – Medford Knife &Tool – Praetorian”

  1. Mike says:

    That blank Jungle Fighter (no grips) in the upper left-hand corner (first picture) looks nice; I wonder how it feels in the hand. I have a weakness for flat knives and the Jungle Fighter, though more knife than I’ll ever have proper use for, is a pretty amazing weapon.