Protact by Haartz

Smart Defense

Smart Defense is a conglomeration of defense businesses, public sector organizations, and private citizens who have banded together to introduce new concepts in dealing with defense issues.

The Six Principles of Smart Defense –

1. Openness by facilitating a candid dialogue with the American people about the role of defense as part of a broad security framework that positions the United States to avoid conflict.

2. Access by creating opportunities so that every sector of the American economy can participate in the nation’s defense.

3. Empowerment of entrepreneurs, edgefighters, and individual citizens to create a vital defense ecosystem that is a reflection of the values that matter to the American people.

4. Efficiency or doing more with less by harvesting the best ideas from unexpected sources to create better, cheaper, and faster solutions to the “wicked” problems in security.

5. Insight from the edges of innovation, discovery, and experience to capitalize on the opportunities and challenges of a changing world.

6. Sustainability by optimizing the defense economy to protect and preserve liberty without overwhelming citizens with unnecessary costs.
Thanks to our friends at MAV6.

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