TYR Tactical

Which Gun/Military Magazines Do You Read?

I read several military and gun magazines religiously. They include, but aren’t limited to Combat Arms, Combat and Survival, Combat Tactics, Raids, Raider, Recoil, Soldier of Fortune, and SWAT. What about you?

25 Responses to “Which Gun/Military Magazines Do You Read?”

  1. Jeremy says:

    Recoil has become a must read. I like the setup and content better than any gun mag I have found.

  2. SSD says:

    I was reading Small Arms Review but I haven’t seen it lately.

  3. Juan Bravo says:

    American Cop, Gun Trade World, and all the ones SSD listed

  4. straps says:

    SWAT (mostly for Pat Rogers articles and Duke’s illustrations) and Recoil (one of the best-designed mags in print on on any subject).

    Sniper, Small Arms Review (REALLY good back-stories and surprisingly good contributed content), Combat Tactics (low-light article in the current issue is good stuff), Combat and Survival on an alternating basis.

    If SoF has a well-written, professionally-edited feature (1 issue in 3 or 4 these days) I will buy it off the rack.

  5. JDH says:

    RECOIL and SWAT are regulars, if something else catches my eye on the news stand I might pick it up.

  6. Andrew says:

    Recoil, nuff said.

  7. Strike-Hold! says:

    KOMMANDO – every issue.

    Combat & Survival – frequently (must get digital subscription)

    RECOIL – has become a must read

    Small Arms Review – when I really want to geek out on guns

    Shotgun News – when I see something I like

    Military Technology – every issue

    Others – as and when I see something interesting

  8. Tom says:


    Combat Arms

    Combat Tactics


    Tactical Operator


    Book of the AR/AK

  9. I am picking up a Recoil subscription when they open up. However does anyone know how to get a subscription or what the release schedule is for it? I saw one issue of it in Canex I think it was the Fall 2011 one and havent seen any or been able to find a site that sells them.

    • Bradkaf308 says:

      I only found the first issue of recoil maybe it’s a Cdn distribution issue. That issue didn’t show for a couple till after I read about it on SSD.

  10. Alex says:

    Recoil and SWAT for me.

  11. Freeman says:

    A buddy gave me a copy of the 2nd issue of Recoil, very impressed and just picked up the newest issue. Its already been said above but content and layout are far better than what’s currently on the market.

  12. Carl says:


  13. cankicker01 says:

    Recoil. Maybe Combat tactics, perhaps SWAT. I think gun mags articles for the most part are bought and paid for.

  14. Soldier Magazine in the UK is very good. Raider Magazine is good too, great articles.

  15. John says:

    Combat Aircraft Monthly
    Air Forces monthly
    Soldier of fortune
    Weapons for military and police
    Tactical weapons
    Book of the ar15/ak47

  16. .308 says:

    for me.. Armada, SADJ and National Defense are a MUST.

  17. Walter says:

    Tactical Weapons for law enforcement
    Soldier of Fortune
    Small Arms Review
    and occasionally Raider when I can find it

  18. Haji says:

    I’ll read Special Operations Report from time to time, but there isn’t a gun rag I’ll pay for anymore. Too much money for too little return on investment. Even SWAT has gotten to the point where only a couple articles and maybe an editorial out of the whole magazine is worth the time taken to read it. I’m too old to have somebody who’s been shooting less time than me and who doesn’t have access to the sources I do to bother investing my time in their ramblings.

  19. JagdKF says:

    K-isom (Kommando Magazin), Germany

  20. james says:

    i read SOF mag and Police mag

  21. Bradkaf308 says:

    SWAT always, Combat Tactics, Book of … mostly. The others depending on content. Thanks for the SAR info.