GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

The Baby Hjölster


AFMO Tactical Gear posted this great product on their Facebook wall. A creation of www.howtobeadad.com, the Baby Hjölster is a quite manly way to cart junior around.


8 Responses to “The Baby Hjölster”

  1. Fred says:

    Chuck Norris approved yet?

  2. Strike-Hold says:

    Is it just me, or does that baby looked like he’s been Photoshopped into the carrier?

  3. chris says:

    is this a joke? that looks totally uncomfortable for the dad. I’ll take my TT modded Baby Bjorn any day!

  4. Eric B says:

    Hope they have a double rig for twins

  5. Peter R says:

    Gentlemen, please. Wake up.
    OF COURSE it is a joke and the baby is photoshopped.

    But fast draw double rig for twins will be good. 😉

  6. Glenno says:

    I have to presume that this is an attempt at humor or the devious invention of a physical therapist aimed at generating additional business from sufferers of ilio-tibial band syndrome.

  7. Deadeye says:

    Next up: Baby Bandolier. Octomom approved. 😉

  8. Hal says:

    Do they make one in kydex?